Application management includes the ability to control the number of users and user sessions utilizing an application. Limiting the number of allowed users, and sessions per user, is helpful in limiting risks related to Denial of Service attacks.
This requirement addresses concurrent session control for a single information system account and does not address concurrent sessions by a single user via multiple system accounts.
This requirement may be met via the application or by utilizing information system session control provided by a web server with specialized session management capabilities. If it has been specified that this requirement will be handled by the application, the capability to limit the maximum number of concurrent single user sessions must be designed and built into the application.
The organization will need to define the maximum number of concurrent sessions for an information system account globally, by account type, by account, or a combination thereof and the application shall enforce that requirement.
Unlimited concurrent connections to the DBMS could allow a successful Denial of Service (DoS) attack by exhausting connection resources. |